

Clone a repo + start a new project

Go to the ae-05-[GITHUB USERNAME] repo, clone it, and start a new project in RStudio. See the Lab 01 for more detailed instructions about cloning a repo and starting a new project.

Configure git

Run the following code to configure Git. Fill in your GitHub username and the email address associated with your GitHub account.

use_git_config( "your github username","your email")

Practice with data wrangling


The data set contains all North Carolina bike crash data from 2007-2014. The data was originally downloaded on September 6, 2018 and is available in the dsbox R package.

Use the code below to load the data from the .csv file

ncbikecrash <- read_csv("data/ncbikecrash.csv")

Part 1

Display the first 10 rows of the ncbikecrash data set.

Part 2

Filter for bike crashes in Durham County where the driver age group is 0 to 19.

Part 3

On which day of the week did the most bike crashes occur? Use the count function to get the number of bike crashes for each day (crash_day). Display the results in descending order.

Part 4

Calculate the average estimated crash hour, crash_hour (not driver_est_speed) based on whether the crash was a hit and run (hit_run).