
You will find the Exam 02 repo with the prefix exam-02- on GitHub.

The exam questions are in the README of the Exam 02 repo. In RStudio, click “Preview” to see a version of the README with the Latex symbols rendered.

The exam primarily focuses on material in Weeks 05 - 08: inference using simulation-based methods and the central limit theorem. You may also be required to use the material from Weeks 01 - 04 to help you answer the questions.


This exam is due Sunday, October 25 at 11:59p U.S. Eastern time.

You must submit a .pdf document to Gradescope that corresponds to the .Rmd file in your GitHub repository in order to receive credit for this exam.

There is no grace period for this exam. You can resubmit the exam before the deadline, so start and submit the exam early in order to avoid any last-minute technical issues.

If a .pdf is not uploaded to Gradescope by the submission deadline, your latest commit prior to the deadline will be used as your submission. There will be a penalty for not submitting the PDF. Commit often and at appropriate times. Part of your grade will be based on quality of commit history.


  • This is an individual assignment.
  • Everything in your repository is for your eyes only except for the instructor.
  • You may not collaborate or communicate anything about this exam to anyone except the instructor. For example, you may not communicate with other students, the TAs, or post/solicit help on the internet or via any other communication means.
  • You may use R, as well as any notes, books, or existing internet resources to answer exam questions.
  • As always, if you use code that is beyond what we’ve done in the class (e.g. code for very elaborate and customized data visualizations), you must cite it by including the link to the original source in your exam write up. A failure to cite is plagiarism.
  • There are no office hours, and Piazza will be inactive during the exam.
  • If you have questions, email Professor Tackett. Questions to the instructor should only be about understanding the data or the exam’s instructions. You may not ask questions on any topics from past assignments or material related to the exam.
  • Professor Tackett will provide code debugging if needed, but this will result in point deductions if used.

Academic Integrity

By taking this exam, you pledge to uphold the Duke Community Standard on this exam:

  • I will not lie, cheat, or steal in my academic endeavors;
  • I will conduct myself honorably in all my endeavors; and
  • I will act if the Standard is compromised.


Please only upload your .pdf document to Gradescope. Before you submit the uploaded document, mark where each answer is to the exercises. If any answer spans multiple pages, then mark all pages. Make sure to associate the “Overall” section with the first page. Failure to do so may result in point deductions.

Make sure that your uploaded .pdf document matches your .Rmd file and .pdf in your repository exactly. Points will be deducted for non-reproducibility.